Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friends Don't Let Friends Smudge Alone

Because of my eccentric and colorful background, my response to the sufferings of my friends often differs from others.

When someone dies most people bring over food.  Here in Minnesota the food choice is usually some type of hot dish with tater tots or cookie bars of some sort.  I'm not a fan of cooking, but I will show up with a gift card to a fabulous restaurant.  I'll even take the extra step and make sure they provide takeout.

Recently my friend Cami experienced a string of bad luck and odd goings on in her home.  You might remember Cami as my fellow Real Housewife Wanna Be.

Realizing that Cami was in need I did what had to be done.  I grabbed my smudge stick and went to Cami's to smudge her house.    Smudging is a smoke cleansing ritual that the Native Americans do to cleanse a person, place or space.  It's like doing a spiritual housecleaning.

Now you may be wondering what qualifies me to do such a thing.  Well first off, I'm part Native American so it's in my DNA.  Secondly, I watched a youtube video on it.

Here I am cleansing Cami's house of negative energy
We were sure to smudge each room, and each nook and cranny.  Cami participated in the ritual.
Cami getting her smudge on
It wasn't lost on us that the smudge stick resembles a smoking penis, if a penis were to spew smoke.

As a closing to the ritual we went to happy hour.  The youtube video didn't include having wine at the end, but I thought it was an effective way to end a ritual chasing out negative energy.

Right away Cami's luck started to turn around as evidenced by a phone call she got while we were at happy hour.  So far it looks like the ritual worked.  Her house smells a bit like an Asian opium den because of the herbs in the smudge, but things are looking up.


Tara said...

Boy, do I need a good smudging!

Tara said...

Boy, do I need a good smudging!

Jamie H said...

I love your crazy style!

Unknown said...

Tara you can smudge yourself. It's not dificult ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks Jamie! I'm definitely a unique brand of crazy, lol.