Monday, July 23, 2012

The Secret to Weight-Loss and Looking Good!

As a woman in her early forties, in fact so early I'm pretty much 29, I've searched and searched for the secrets to beauty, youth and fitness. Preferably secrets that don't involve eating well or exercise.

It would seem that many "experts" claim there are no secrets, that one need only eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and live a good life to look and feel good.

Well, that works just fine if you are a financialy stable, single woman, who also happens to be mentally well-rounded.  Usually those of us seeking beauty and weightloss tips are married, tired, trying not to strangle our offspring, and constantly questioning our own sanity.

In my quest to look good with minimum effort, I have discovered the secret weapon for all of our beauty and fitness issues!  That secret is, "IT'S ALL RELATIVE".  I'll use myself as an example to help you wrap your head around my discovery.

Personally I could stand to loose another 10 or 15 lbs.  I don't enjoy going to the gym, and I have to work hard to not overeat. I've recently discovered how to make myself look to be in better shape than I am, in the eyes of others

I simply tell them I once weighed 326 lbs.  Compared to that, I look amazing right now!  The key is to pick a number that sounds exact, not 250 or 400.  326 sounds more exact.

These days instead of complaining to friends about how I need to loose another 15 lbs, I just tell them I once weighed 326 lbs, sit back and enjoy how amazed they are with how good I look now.  They don't see my extra 15 lbs, they see the shocking after image of someone who was once 326 lbs.  No dieting or exercise involved.

Now, I know that my secret will now be out and people will know I'm full of shit, and never weighed 326 lbs, though in truth I did once weigh 218 lbs.  326 lbs creates a better before image.  In the interest of helping my fellow females, I'm willing to take one for the team and share my secret.

You can use this same beauty tip of "It's all relative" to other issues.  If you have sickly thin lips, skip the injections and tell people you once had a cleft palate.  Do you have thining hair?  Tell people you once lost all your hair during pregnancy.  Plus you can use that one on your kids.  "36 hours of labor and I lost all my hair bringing you into the world.  The least you can do is clean your room!"

So before you exaust yourself at the gym, or spend thousands on plastic surgery remember, it's all relative.

1 comment:

Corey said...

You understand Einstien's theory of reletivity better than most physics professors.