Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Virgin Carpet, Potty Training and Holiday Fun!

Despite the cloudy, drab, cooling weather, there is a sense of excitement in my household.  After 15 years, 3 kids and 3 dogs we are finally replacing our carpet and having the upstairs painted.

This carpet is so gross, that I have often wondered if it hasn't mutated into a living organism.  We have taken to refering to it as "Fred".

Knowing that we are just a few weeks from fresh, clean virgin carpet, I've been working hard to finish potty training the new puppy, TJ.  I've spent the last two years trying to get our other dog Loki, to stop pooping in the house and eating it.

Disturbingly, despite my best efforts, Loki has passed this behavior onto little TJ.  I've been at my wits end with the poop munching.  I thought that maybe a little shame and a time-out would get Loki to shape up.

Loki on his time-out
As crazy as it sounds, I think this worked.  Though far from 100%, Loki has taken to pooping outside and NOT eating it when he does it in the house.  I'm sure TJ will follow his lead, as he does with everything else.

I'm also super excited about the holiday season.  For me the holidays start on November 1st!  The only reason my house isn't filled with Chrismtas decorations yet, is because of the coming carpet installation and painting.  But, don't think I haven't already pulled the box out.  Plus, I've been listening to Christmas music daily.  I just love it!

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