What started off as a quiet, beautiful Father's Day Sunday, turned quickly into a nightmare that rocked not just our household but our entire cul-de-sac.
After last night's fun evening out at a wedding, fueled by one too many dirty martinis with the Stud Muffin, I stumbled bleary eyed out the front door this morning to let my dogs out.
As I do each morning I scooped up a serving of dog food from our big dog Dexter's food bin, which is kept in our breezeway. The dogs and I walked into the house, turned the corner and I poured the cup of dog food into Dexter's dish.
That was when this creature from the bowels of hell fell out of the cup and into the dog dish!
A composite of the intruder from the bowels of hell |
As he jumped out of the dog dish, I jumped onto a counter while screaming for the Stud Muffin. Of course all of the windows in our house were open, so I'm sure the entire cul-de-sac heard my blood curdling screams and thought our family was being butchered by a wild gang of suburban hating serial killers.
My significant other along with my kids had been sleeping. If you ask me he took way to long to come to my rescue upon hearing my screams.
My senior citizen dog Dexter left the kitchen for more quieter accomodations when I started screaming.
Lucky for me my Maltese Loki jumped into action right away and became a mouse hunter, chasing the hellish creature throughout the kitchen and then downstairs
Loki my vicious, mouse hunting protector |
My significant other refused to follow my orders to get his gun and shoot it. Instead he took his sweet old time setting a couple of traps downstairs, while Loki kept it cornered.
I've announced to the household that Father's Day or not, no one eats until that mouse has taken his last breath. There is also a reward of $20.00 being offered to anyone who comes in and catches it before it finds it's way to the trap.