Growing up in Hawaii my Christmases were spent on the beach. Not a bad holiday, but as a child I longed for snow and the holiday traditions of the mainland that I saw on TV.
I've lived in Minnesota for the last 17 years and have rejoiced in the fact that the holidays come earlier and earlier each year. While others moan "too soon" I start listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween. I'd probably start sooner but my hubby can only take so much. While some may be starting to think about their Thanksgiving plans, I've already created and ordered my Christmas cards. Normally I'm done with my design by Halloween.
Though Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, I'll admit I am in love with the commercialism the holiday brings. Christmas trees, yards lit up with lights and egg nog lattes do for me what Grey Goose probably does for an alcoholic. I can't get enough, and for me it can't come soon enough.
My holiday candles are lit, I'm working my magic to convince the kids to get the tree up this weekend and I hear egg nog lattes are just around the corner.
So moan and groan if you must about how Christmas shouldn't come before Thanksgiving. I'll be perfecting my holiday playlist while sipping a drink of the season, and hitting the shops in downtown Excelsior. Resistance is futile, the holidays are here!