Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This is What Men and Women are Really Thinking About!

When I'm not writing these witty and informative blog posts, or doing my radio show, I also do some freelance writing, which often includes a bit of research.

I was writing copy that involved men and fashion trends. This got me wondering "Why do men dress well?" In other words, what motivates them to dress well when they do.  Of course I turned to the genie lamp that is google for answers.

If you use the magic google search box, you know that as you start typing in your request google, like an annoying spouse, it tries to finish your sentence for you based on what most others have asked it. So, I start entering into the magic search box "Why do men..."

What popped up to finish my sentence based on popular searches took me by surprise!

These are the most popular searches for "Why do men...." Apparently as a society we are more concerned with why men cheat and watch porn than why they go bald. Nothing wrong with that. I just found it very curious.

Of course this immediately made me wonder what it would be if I entered "Why do women..." into the magic google search box, so I did. I get paid by the job not the hour, so I had plenty of time for this today.

Here was what the magic google box popped up when I started to enter "Why do women..."

Both sexes are highly concerned with why the other cheats, but the similarities stop there. This is science people! I'm assuming that it is women asking "Why do men..." and men asking "Why do women..."

Men if you are wondering what your woman is contemplating the next time she looks at you with curiosity, she is probably wondering if you are a cheating porn watcher who is going to lie to her, pull away and then go bald.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Adventures in Urban Farming and Zombie Apocalypse Prepping

I'm a believer in preparing for the coming Zombie Apocalypse. As part of my post apocalyptic preparation, I've been trying to learn how to grow herbs and vegetables. I fancy myself somewhat of a budding urban farmer, pun intended.

Though I've never really had a green thumb, I've impressed myself with my progress. Check out my Spam can herb garden. Reduce, reuse, recyle. I've finally found a use for some of the many cans of Spam I go through.

From seed I grew my first carrot. Reality did not meet my expectation! I'm holding my carrot, to the left is what I expected.

Regardless, I'm not giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day, and my Zombie Apocalypse Prep Garden won't be either.

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Why My 50th Birthday in 2020 Should Matter to You!

If you like 24 hour room service, a butler at your beck and call, an endless supply of wine and vodka, fine dining, suites and exotic locations, I'm about to become your new best friend.

Throw on your best pair of spanx and your favorite lipstick because we have some celebrating to do! In September I'm turning 45. I've decide to kick off a 5 year celebration of my coming 50th birthday in the year 2020. I've been taking a month to celebrate my birthday since I turned 40. It's time to up that game!

Of course I still have work, responsibilities, blah, blah, blah, but it's time to also get serious about some of my bucket list items, especially the ones involving travel. To do so, I've partnered with Just Girls Travel and will be hosting multiple travel tours domestically and internationally. I don't think there could be a more perfect job for me unless I were hired as the personal assistant of my favorite little person, Peter Dinklage.

Most Awesome Little Person of All Time
My first trip with Just Girls Travel is to the place that is NUMBER ONE on my bucket list! If you follow me on social media you know that I'm madly in love with a Greek man. What better way to deepen our relationship than for me to leave him home and go on a luxury cruise around the Greek Isles!

I'm doing this for us baby! 
You can join me on this Adventure With Natalie! Contact Sue at Just Girls Travel. Full details about this adventure is on their website. CLICK HERE

If you don't already, be sure to follow me on twitter @NatalieNWebster and on Facebook. In addition to my usual daily shenanigans, I'll be sharing the many #AdventuresWithNatalie involving the 5 year celebration of my 50th birthday.

I'll let you know about other trips as we schedule them. In the meantime, I'd love to hear from you! What is on your bucket list?

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