Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Whose Your Mama?

Boating with my baby

This Friday is the 20th anniversary of my becoming a parent, otherwise known as my daughter Shelby's 20th birthday, in fact her golden birthday since it is on the 20th.  It also marks the point where I will have been raising my kids for half of my life.  For anyone slow with math, I'm also turning 40 in a few weeks so if my daughter is 20, I've been parenting half my life.

20 years of scraped knees, of chasing after runaway turtles (they are faster than you think), of meeting imaginary friends, having birthday parties for said imaginary friends, of finding more uses for duct tape than I care to admit, and mostly 20 years of wondering how time was going by so fast.

Shelby who I used to piggy back around the yard, now towers over me by a good 4 inches and is in college.  She just took her first road trip on her own and someone safely crossed state lines without me sitting there telling her what to do every step of the way.

Seems like just a few years ago I was duct taping my middle daughter Kelsey into her diaper at night so she couldn't take if off in the morning and attempt to recreate the Mona Lisa on her wall with its contents.   In a few weeks she will be a senior in High School.   Now the only duct tape I use on her is the one I throw at her as I yell at her to tape her own mouth shut when she gets smart with me.

My baby, my son, my Prince Jared is going into the 6th grade.  How the hell did that happen so fast?  My little baby who used to play with my hair while he fell asleep now has his own cell phone and won't let me hug him in public.

I've had many adventures in my life but I must say, though parenting has not been the most rewarding, it continues to be the most worthwhile adventure of all.  Maybe the rewarding part is still to come.  The part where my kids grow up, become rich and take care of their father and I in our old age.  Allowing me to spend my twilight years drinking red wine in Italy while writing a travel column for the AARP.

Cheers to Shelby's golden birthday and cheers to half a lifetime  engaged in a meaningful, worthwhile adventure of a lifetime.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Visit with a Voodoo Priest

The Voodoo museum is a must see in the French Quarter.  It is run by Dr. John T. Martin who is a white Voodoo priest.  His experience in the field of Voodoo was extensive and unique for a Caucasian.  

Dr. John is very soft spoken, with a peaceful nature about him.  Not what I would have envisioned for a Voodoo Priest.  After speaking with him I learned that Hollywood has given Voodoo a bad name and an inaccurate stereotype.  

The museum is small, but has eclectic artifacts.  I found it to be more educational rather than commercial.  After my tour through the museum I scheduled a Psychic Reading with Dr. John for later that day.  Several hours later I returned and sat down with him.

During my reading Dr. John used Tarot cards, explaining what each meant to me as we went through the reading.  Dr. John had cautioned me at the start that not everyone hears what they want to hear.  Thankfully there wasn't much that I didn't want to hear.  There was one point he made that I didn't want to hear, but after reflecting on it I realized I needed to hear it and his advice on it was good.

During our 45 minutes together Dr. John covered the next three years of my life.  Prior to the reading I didn't tell him anything about myself.  Interestingly he touched on a few situations that I've been currently dealing with.  He was very specific about something happening in the next 3 months.  I'll have to see if that plays out.  If it does, he gave me advice on how to get answers on it.  

I'm not going into too many details about the reading as it was oddly personal and specific, more so than I thought it would be, being that I had just met him and hadn't shared any personal info with him.

Whether the reading was the real deal, or just lucky guessing, I left feeling peaceful and optimistic about my future.  There wasn't anything spooky or evil about it.  I'm not about to start practicing Voodoo, but my experience has given me a greater understanding and respect for the people who do.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Paranormal Activity?

Part of our room at the B and B

Lana and I have been very busy experiencing New Orleans.  I don't even know where to start with sharing all that we have done.  For now I'll fill you in on how your paranormal exploration has gone.

As I posted earlier, our first night at the B and B was active with what could be paranormal activity.  From the fuzzy TV,my facebook post disappearing, and creaking floors in the middle of the night, there was no shortage of possibilities.  The next day I tried to enter our room using our key.  I could not remove the key to save my life and gave up.  Lana walked up and pulled the key right out of the lock with ease.  I tried to turn off the bathroom light and could not get it to go off.  Lana flipped the switch once and it went off.

Because of this we determined that if we are being haunted, whoever it is has an issue with me.  To be on the safe side I apologized out loud to anyone I may have possibly offended.  Since then, no fuzzy TV, the internet is now fast in our room (it had been slow as all get out) and I can use the key to get in the room.  It appears that we are now co-existing with whatever spirit or spirits that inhabit the B and B.

Lafayette Cemetery in the Garden District

We have toured two cemeteries and have seen the above ground mausoleums.  I've never seen anything like it. There are some which are well maintained and others that appear to have not had visitors for decades.  Lana and I made a point of stopping at the less maintained mausoleums to visit.

Interestingly these cemeteries did not have the feel of death that I've experienced back home and in other parts of the country.  I think it's because people from around here are really good at celebrating life, even in death.

I'll try to blog later about my visit to a Voodoo Priest and our other adventures here in the Big Easy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Ghost Hunting Begins

Lana Slept with a bible last night

My sister Lana has taken me to New Orleans for my 40th birthday.  My birthday isn't until September.  The 2nd to be exact so the final days of my 30's are being counted down.

Our flight down from Minnesota was uneventful.  There was a dwarf on our plane, so of course I took that as a sign of good luck and a guaranteed safe flight.  As I know and you should know, dwarfs are magical.

Louisiana is thought to be the most haunted state in the United States.  I'm here to judge for myself.  We are staying at  a B and B off the beaten path, outside of the French Quarter.  The original owner who built is was a local minister who was also a slave owner.  The slave quarters have been turned into rooms off of the main house.

Back in the 1800's the original owner lost two of his children in this house to illness, and he himself died after lingering for two weeks after an accident.  There were also a number of deaths among the slaves.  There is an entire book written about the owner and his life.  I'd share his name but Lana left the book outside in the courtyard yesterday.  I really hope it doesn't rain or she is buying this place a new book.

Lana and I are currently the only guest staying in the main house.  After arriving yesterday and checking in we set off to explore the French Quarter for a bit.  I did discover that Bourbon Street is not my cup of tea at all.  The smell alone caused us to redirect our course. We did enjoy a horse drawn carriage tour through the French Quarter.  Our guide sounded exactly like Al Pachino, which made the tour more interesting.

Back at the B and B last night as we prepared to go to bed around 11:00pm we had the TV on.  The TV kept going fuzzy like TVs do when they have antennas.  The thing is, this TV is hooked up to cable.  Odd occurrence, paranormal in nature, maybe?

Last night between 2:30 and 6:30 I heard what sounded like the floor creaking when we walked across it earlier.  Again, we are the only guest in the main house.  Upon hearing this noise I did what any ghost hunter would do.  I put the blankets over my head to act as a protective shield and installed my ear plugs.  Therefore, I'm not sure how long the creaking of the floor went on.

Also prior to going to bed last night I posted on Facebook about what was happening so far.  This morning that post is gone from Facebook.  Now it could have been some Facebook glitch, but I'm noting it anyways.

Now we are off to try the breakfast now here at the B and B and then are going on a cemetery tour.