Friday, August 31, 2012

My Email Exchange With Mitt Romney

With my vision still blury from a not so great night's sleep, I powered up my iPhone and checked my email as I do each morning.

There before me today was an email from Mitt Romney.  Now, I don't recall giving Mitt my email address.  I'm pretty sure the stud muffin had something to do with Mitt getting my email address.  My Republican husband fears for my vote in the way my Baptist Grandma fears for my eternal soul.

I'm not a political person.  While the Republican National Convention has been on TV, I've been catching up on episodes of The Real Housewives of New York and also New Jersey.

My significant other went so far as to offer me a back rub if I watched the RNC with him.  I let him know that I really needed to finish my Real Housewives show as the Countess very possibly just cheated on her French boyfriend with a Johnny Depp look alike.

Though I appreciate Mitt reaching out via email letting me know he was going to be taking the podium last night at the RNC, I'm not so thrilled that he tried to hit me up for $20.12.  I'm not giving him $20.12, but I did make him an offer he may not be able to refuse.

Here is my email back to him:


I missed your speech as I was catching up on episodes of the Real Housewives of New York.  I'm leaning towards voting for you, in large part because I fear my significant other may leave me if I vote for Obama.  Though, I'm not going to send you $20.12.  

What I will do is offer you a spot on my blog Mommalicious In Suburbia, in my sponsored ad space. For only $45.00 a month you can have a 125x125 ad.  Have your people email me and we can get that set up.  

Natalie Hagemo

Mommalicious In Suburbia

I'll let you know what I hear back.  To be fair I'm offering the same deal to Obama's people.

post signature


Anonymous said...

LMAO - Go Mommalicious! I feel the same way you do about politickin'

Yvonne Schick said...

You have one more option - vote for Gary Johnson, Libertarian, former governor of New Mexico where he lowered taxes and increased services at the same time. Was re-elected as a republican in a state that usually is strongly democratic. Great guy, very modest. Check him out.