Thursday, August 16, 2012

He's Sexy and He Knows It!

If you have followed my blog for awhile, or follow me on facebook, twitter, or instagram, you know that I'm over the moon crazy about my little Maltese named Loki.

Loki in his car seat after a spa day
 For years I've made fun of people who treated their little dogs like children.  I have to admit, I'm drinking the doggie kool-aid.  During a recent camping trip I was in my tent talking to Loki "How's my baby, are you cold?" I then heard a woman in a nearby tent say in a hushed voice, "I think she is talking to her dog."

My Loki has his own car seat.  He loves to ride shotgun, but my 13 year old won't shut up about being made to sit in the backseat when Loki is in the car, so now Loki sits mostly in the back.

Loki has been featured in Lake Minnetonka Magazine as being "The Toast of Lake Minnetonka".  Okay, they were quoting me saying that about him, but it's still in print and therefore true.

Loki gets blueberry facials and enjoys spa days with his stylist and groomer Susie Crary. He loves playing fetch and peek-a-boo.

Playing peek-a-boo
So yes, I've become one of those crazy dog loving people.  When I travel I often share readily available pics of my Loki.  When asked about my children I have to search my phone for a pic of the kids.

Don't get me wrong, I love the heck out of my kids and will not hesitate to cut you should you hurt one of them.  The thing is, they are 22, 20 and 13. The 13 year old is taller than me and won't let me cuddle him.  My children have betrayed me by growing up.

Loki will never grow up.  He will always look like a little baby puppy, letting me sing to him, cuddle him and baby him.  Friends have often said "Are you sure you don't want another child?"  Hell no! Loki is the perfect baby for me because I can still lock him in the bathroom without getting the authorities involved.

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