Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Goodbye Dog Days of Summer

Summer is quickly winding down and I'm ready to be done with it. I've had my fill of hot days and beach time.  Summer was my whore and I'm done with her.

In May I spent time back home on the beaches of Hawaii scattering my mother's ashes.  Most recently I spent 8 days in Puerto Rico being "The Assistant to the Title Holder", cheering on my friend Tamara Jett at the Ms. World International Pageant.

In between traveling I've spent the summer doing intense research to find the "Top 3 Happy Hour Spots in Excelsior."

I live in Minnesota because I don't like to experience any one season for too long.  Living in a place that has every season to its extreme, a few months at a time, works well for me.

Though I'm ready to embrace my fall wardrobe and the delightful smell of fireplaces lingering in the air, I'm going to miss outdoor happy hours.

I couldn't let summer slip away without hosting a Doggie Happy Hour for a few friends and our four legged babies, with my darling Maltese Loki.  Despite the fact that I'm off the sauce due to my fitness training adventure with Jason Young of Youngquest Fitness, I still had a good time.  Sipping sparkling water instead of wine is not as fun at happy hour, but I still managed to squeeze out a good time.

Here is our Doggie Happy Hour group at Jake O'Connor's in Excelsior.

Loki likes to hangout with his buddy Teddy, even though Teddy can be a bit of a crab-ass.  They share a love of doggie martinis.

Loki and his Pom buddy Teddy
How is your summer winding down?

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