Thursday, May 2, 2013

Making the Best of a Crappy Spring

If you live in the Lake Minnetonka area of Minnesota as I do, you have probably been experiencing the spring that never came. Snowstorms, rain and cold, with the rare nice day thrown in so we don't all slit our wrists.  My years in Minnesota have taught me that you have to get out and enjoy those nice days when you can.

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is one of my favorite places to escape to for some outdoor time and exercise. With multiple trails and a three mile loop that you can drive or walk, there are opportunities abound to drink in the beauty of a nice day.

It was a favorite place of my mom's, so I sometimes take a bottle of wine to the Japanese garden she loved, and toast to her memory. Unless alcohol consumption there is illegal, if that's the case I meant to say I toast her with my "water bottle".

My favorite toasting spot
One of the many walking trails
I'm happy to say that I'm back hiking their trails again.  I had to take some time off after my "piss and fall" sometime ago.  I had slipped and fallen on dog pee at a big box pet store. Not my most graceful moment in public, but I like to think I did it with style. As a result my knee had been giving me problems.

I've been going to SuNu Wellness Center in Minnetonka for Chiropractic treatment, which has helped with my knee and also my back and shoulder pain from being on the computer so much. Keeping up on facebook drama is time consuming, and Pinterest doesn't pin itself. These things take time and dedication.

Additionally I've been seeing a Physical Therapist. Not really seeing one myself, my sister Lana goes to one. Oddly she has a similar knee issue but her's is not the result of a "piss and fall". Lana has way better insurance than I do so I ride on her Physical Therapy coat tails by copying her exercises.

My sister and I have share a couple of ailments, which has worked to my benefit in not having to seek out my own medical care. Sometimes I even suggest that Lana discuss some of my issues with her therapist.  Apparently I have ADD and a touch of OCD, which are probably a result of my years growing up in a cult.

Even though the weather isn't cooperating at the moment here in the Lake Minnetonka area, I think it's important we do our best to keep the spirit of spring alive.  There never seems to be a perfect time to do anything. Be it the interruptions caused by a "piss and fall" or the mood killer of a snowy spring.  So plan those BBQs, they just may have to be indoors. Get out and support our local businesses, and don't buy warm clothes. Go out and get a fabulous summer outfit!

This Saturday May 4th, 3-7pm in Excelsior at the corner of Lake and Water Street, you will find a "Bingo & Burgers by the Bay", a fun event with beer from the Excelsior Brewery and Burgers from Maynard's, happening rain or shine to benefit our Excelsior 4th of July fireworks. Hope to see you there celebrating spring, with or without the cooperation of Mother Nature.

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