Sunday, September 23, 2012

Battling the Plague While My Dogs Talk to Me

For the last several days I've been doing battle.  I've been battling a plague that my son brought home from that germ pit known as "school".

For two days I was sick, then on the third day I felt fabulous, so I ran around town all day celebrating my last day of summer.  Unfortunatley, probably infecting the masses while I was at it.  Please accept my apologies if we were in close proximity on Thursday.  I truly felt fine that day.

Apparently this virus lulls you into a false sense of security, making you think you are well, so that you will go forth and spread it, ensuring its survival among the peoples of Earth.  The day after running around town, I woke up feeling worse than I did the first two days.

Needless to say, aside from sleeping, doing shots of Nyquil, and taking hundreds of photos of my dogs, jack shit got done this last week.

"Hold my bone, shit just got real!"

TJ and Loki are in my lap in this next photo.  It just occured while looking at this pic, that though I've been showering, I've been wearing these PJ pants, those socks and this sweatshirt for four days. Note to self: Change clothes today.

"Did you just fart?"
These dogs have some nerve! For the record I did not fart.  As a female I am incapable of such activities.  When the dogs started talking to me, I realized that it was time to back off on the Nyquil.

Another sign that you need to back off on the cold meds is when you check your phone in the morning, and realize that you emailed the following photo to multiple friends telling them that you found the perfect entertainment for their holiday party this year.

My friend James needs to take some responsibility for that one, being that he sent that photo to me first, which is how it got in my phone to begin with.  He is such a bad influence on me, which is of course why I love him.

Anyways, today is a new day.  At this moment I'm still feeling under the weather, but I'm going to shower, change my clothes, maybe even put a bra on and pants that zip and button.

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Robin said...

Post a comment? What could I possibly say to follow this up? Except wonder if Child Protective Services has a canine branch? But I'm sure Loki and TJ have on their speed dial; just in case....

Jamie H said...

I was wondering why you weren't at the Minnesota Blogger Conference! You certainly know how to describe the plague in a funny way!

Blondyjoon said...

I feel the same way Robin! All I can say is, that I'm either going to invest in some Depends Undergarments or make it firm policy to only read your blog on the can!...'cause I know you're gonna make me pee my pants!

; )

Unknown said...

Thanks people ;) Finding humor in everyday life is a good thing.