Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Psychic or Psychotic

I'm sitting up in my bed entertaining the idea that I may be psychic. In an effort to not stuff my face after 8:00pm I decided to do some channel surfing to occupy my mind. I came across America's Psychic Challenge on Lifetime.

The show takes several psychics through different challenges, which they are scored on.  Everything from finding a kid who was hiding, to determining the relationship between two people.

Before each commercial America's Psychic Challenge gives the viewer a challenge.  I nailed two out of three.  I knew which toy was the favorite of the fat asian baby, and I knew which color the roulette wheel was going to land on.  The third challenge was picking which of three guys was a juggler, and I missed that one.  I think in part because I was distracted by how weaselly one of the guys looked.

Does this alone mean I'm psychic?  Well no, but I'm exploring the possibility by watching future episodes of this show.  I also see it as a sign that maybe I should go to Vegas with some cash.

Intuition, psychic powers, whatever you want to call it is an interesting thing.  It seems to be rather hit or miss.  I have a knack for finding my son's cell phone, which he repeatedly looses, but I can't find my car when I come out of Target.

I'm probably more lucky than psychic.  Hopefully after a few more episodes I'll be able to determine that.  In the meantime I'm exploring flights to Vegas.

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