Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trapped In The Bathroom

This afternoon I enjoyed a lovely lunch with an even lovlier friend at The Lakeshore Grill in Macy's. They have the best lobster bisque I've ever had, and they only serve it during the holidays. I'm also a huge fan of their iced tea.

After some great conversation and about three glasses of iced tea I had to pee like a race horse. Standing in the women's bathroom with my legs crossed, praying that I wouldn't sneeze, I waited and waited, and waited for no one to leave a stall.

I don't know what the heck those women were doing in there but I was starting to sweat. Sometimes I think women take so long in a stall because they often wait so long to get in. For God's sake it's a toilet not a rent controled apartment!

At this point I was desperate and my options were limited. I didn't think I could make the walk across Macy's to theri other restroom. Pissing myself as I raced through the lingerie section was not an option. I knew what I had to do. If If a guy could cut off his hand to free himself from being trapped by a giant rock, I too would do the unthinkable to survive.

I ducked out the door and slowly peeked into the men's restroom. No one was in there so I made a dash for a stall with a door. First off, why is it we can put a man on the moon, but we can't make a men's bathroom smell halfway decent? This was a nice restaurant but the bathroom smelled like it was painted with pee.

My desperation outweighed my disguist and I got down to business. As I opened the flood gates to urination relief, I contemplated why it was that we women never had adequte bathroom facilities. Before I could come up with an answer the bathroom door opened.

As panic set in I looked around my stall for an exit other than out the door. There were no windows. I was going to have to wait it out. But what if he had to go number two and waited for the one stall that I was in? Thankfully he approached a urinal and proceeded to relieve himself, complete with a celebratory fart at the end.

If he had only peed, I might have considered leaving my refuge and explaining why I was in there, but after he let one out there was no way our eyes could meet. As he washed his hands I cursed the women who occupied the women's stalls for too long.

I'm sure only minutes had passed, but it felt like hours. Finally he left the bathroom. I waited 10 seconds to make sure he would be well away from the entrance to the bathroom, then I high tailed it out of there. I don't regret my decision. I did what I had to do. But, I feel compelled to make a plea to women everywhere. We as a sisterhood need to practice speed peeing, and get out of those stalls quicker! Stop the madness ladies, get in and get out. The men's room is no place for a lady.

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