Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't Be a TV Biotch

If I hear one more biotch stick her nose in the air and smugly state, "I never watch television.  I don't have time for it." I'm going to slap the crap out of her.  Notice that you almost never hear men say that.

I'm a mom of three kids, two dogs, I work.  Plus I have a crazy social life.  Those glasses of wine at happy hour aren't going to drink themselves.

In this day and age watching TV has never been easier.  No one has to watch a show when it is actually on with the commericals.  There is On Demand, DVRs, TiVo, Netflix and Hulu.

One of my favorite things to do is to get in front of the TV and watch The Real Housewives, True Blood, The Walking Dead or one of my many, many TV shows that I love.  I put my feet up and sometimes surf the net at the same time.  I love TV  I truly enjoy doing nothing but being entertained.  It is a guiltless, braless, pantless experiance.

Why some women feel the need to make a federal crime out of this is beyond me.  I think it has something to do with the false idea that they need to project this image that they are some kind of Martha Stewart martyr with no time for themselves.  They have some kind of guilt attached to self indulging.  Not that there aren't super busy women out there.  Moms are the busiest people I know.  It's the condescending tone that some women use that sets off my biotch radar.

With technology the way it is today, we all have time for TV  You can even watch it while working out.

Now, there are people who choose not to watch TV at all.  Some don't even own TVs.  I fully support that.  I don't fully trust them, but I support their choice.  The difference is they are not condecending with their choice.  If they are, then they fall into the aforementioned catagory of biotch.

Watch TV, don't watch TV Just don't be a biotch about it.


Tammy said...

YES! I have my fav shows too! I have nine kids, homeschool, and work a fulltime job. But when it's laundry time, I can pull up hulu and watch my favs on my terms, on my time schedule. It is a relaxing way to just get away for awhile. I am no TV biotch! :)

Tammy said...

YES! I have my fav shows too! I have nine kids, homeschool, and work a fulltime job. But when it's laundry time, I can pull up hulu and watch my favs on my terms, on my time schedule. It is a relaxing way to just get away for awhile. I am no TV biotch! :)

Unknown said...

Tammy you are my new hero! Bravo on all that you do plus TV ;)