Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful Bagging

Today I had the pleasure of volunteering for the ICA Food Shelf.  Myself along with other volunteers from my community, including Excelsior Mayor Nick Ruehl bagged groceries at Cub Foods in Minnetonka to raise money for the ICA Food Shelf.

This was such a fun activity, besides it being for a great cause.  For one I thoroughly enjoy trying to figure out what people are planning on making with the groceries they are buying.  There were the Thanksgiving staples: turkeys, the makings for pie and stuffing. Then there were the awkward purchases of condoms and depends.  As a bagging professional I kept a straight face and didn't comment or giggle at these purchases.

On this eve of Thanksgiving I'm thankful that I have the opportunities I do to be involved in my community.  Even if it means handling someone else's birth control or depends.

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