Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Adventures in Urban Farming and Zombie Apocalypse Prepping

I'm a believer in preparing for the coming Zombie Apocalypse. As part of my post apocalyptic preparation, I've been trying to learn how to grow herbs and vegetables. I fancy myself somewhat of a budding urban farmer, pun intended.

Though I've never really had a green thumb, I've impressed myself with my progress. Check out my Spam can herb garden. Reduce, reuse, recyle. I've finally found a use for some of the many cans of Spam I go through.

From seed I grew my first carrot. Reality did not meet my expectation! I'm holding my carrot, to the left is what I expected.

Regardless, I'm not giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day, and my Zombie Apocalypse Prep Garden won't be either.

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